I regularly tell people that Point Lobos is my favorite Monterey Peninsula dive site and days like today demonstrate why. My friend and PADI Divemaster Brandon organized the dive and I’m glad he did. The conditions don’t get better than what we had today. No swell or surf or surge. The water was a bit chillier than usual at a crisp 51 degrees F at the coolest. However, as Monterey divers know, colder is usually clearer and visibility was a solid 40 feet. Judge for yourself…
Brandon navigates the kelp forest
Exiting one of the Coal Chute Cove caves
A male sheephead patrolling.
Crab fully decorated and trying to hide
The kelp canopy looking resplendent.
Point Lobos kelp forest in all of its glory
As is often the case in Monterey Peninsula diving, we ran into friends at the dive site and had a nice lunch with Grace, Dhaval, Katie, and Grace’s dive buddy whose name I didn’t catch (I’m sure I’ll bump into him again on another dive).