Fun, safe, and educational SCUBA diving in Northern California


SCUBA diving in the waters surrounding the Monterey peninsula can be challenging.

First, the water is colder than those tropical sites you see in the movies. You’ll learn to dive in a thicker wetsuit or maybe even a dry suit. And, you’ll have to carry extra weight to sink the warmer exposure suit.

Second, the dive conditions (e.g., surf, surge, visibility, etc.) add additional demands on a new diver. Our local conditions are more thrilling!

Don’t let these challenges dissuade you! Learning to dive in Monterey will teach you confidence & skills that will serve you the rest of your dive career.

When you travel far afield to the Caribbean or Philippines or Thailand or the Gallapegos, the placid, warm waters won’t trouble you at all. And, you’ll get nods of respect from divers around the world when they hear you trained in Monterey.

And, of course, there are the gorgeous kelp forests, teaming with cabezon and rock fish and señoritas, where you’ll get glimpses of harbor seals and sea otters. At the end of it all, you may find you love diving in Monterey’s cold waters.



Find out about my background & experience, services I offer, and partner dive organizations.


Take a class

Ready to take the next step? Sign up for a class and let’s go diving!